Die beste Werbung sind unsere Absolventen


Unser AbsolventInnenen arbeiten als PostdoktorandInnen oder NachwuchsforscherInnen an in- oder ausländischen Universitäten und in der Pharmaindustrie. Andere arbeiten als Patentanwältin oder als Unternehmensberaterin. Wir haben diese zu ihrer Meinung über das BIGS-DrugS-Programm gefragt.

Was unsere AbsolventInnen schätzen



Die interdisziplinäre Atmosphäre, die neue Perspektiven für das eigene Forschungsgebiet bietet.



Die Bandbreite des Angebot an wissenschaftlichen u. Soft-Skill-Workshops sowie Vorträgen.



Das hervorragende Forschungsumfeld.



Die Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für Konferenzteilnahmen und Forschungsaufenthalte.



Kennenlernen von WissenschaftlerInnen aus anderen Forschungsbereichen und Möglichkeiten, Kontakte zu knüpfen und ein Netzwerk aufzubauen.



Die Möglichkeit, ganz unterschiedliche Bereiche durch eine breite Palette von Workshops kennen zu lernen.

Raphael Reher
© Uni Marburg

"BIGS DrugS opened up new perspectives on my own research projects as well as on others due to the broad multidisciplinary program. In addition, I was able to acquire new soft skills!"

Dr. Raphael Reher
Assistant Professor for Natural Product Research, University of Marburg, Germany

© werkpatent

“I can highly recommend the participation in the BIGS DrugS program. You can broaden your horizon not only in your own research field. The varied course program offers insights into completely different fields such as Business Administration or Law. Additionally, you get trained in scientific presentation skills. The program offers the opportunity of developing yourself further!”

Dr. Carina Marx
European & German Patent Attorney, Werkpatent, Overath, Germany

Christian Steinebach.
© Uni Bonn

„The graduate school offers an excellent environment for networking with other PhD students. Furthermore, BIGS DrugS funded the participation at international conferences which further increased my visibility as a scientist.”

Dr. Christian Steinebach
Junior Scientist, Project Leader P1, RGT 2873, University of Bonn, Germany

Eduard Schmulenson
© E. Schmulenson

“I have very much enjoyed my time at BIGS DrugS, especially the interdisciplinary approach which made it possible to get to know other PhD students from various pharmaceutical disciplines and their perspective on pharmaceutical science and beyond. Furthermore, I really liked the opportunity to broaden my horizon in drug development topics as numerous representatives from pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities introduced their respective fields.”

Dr. Eduard Schmulenson  
Scientist Pharmacometrics at Boehringer Ingelheim, Department of Translational Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology

Dr. Diana Hanna
© Diana Hanna

„BIGS DrugS is an integrative and collaborative PhD graduate program. I greatly benefited from the provided scientific seminars by different speakers in different fields, the workshops, and the inter-laboratory experience exchange. All these in addition to the acquired soft skills including poster preparation and presentation. Therefore, I highly nominate BIGS DrugS as a skillful and professional program for participation in.“

Dr. Diana Hanna
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Ain Shams University, Cairo

© M. Detzel

„As a student representative of the BIGS DrugS during my PhD, I not only gained insights into the academic world attending BIGS DrugS and faculty meetings, but also had a platform to represent interests of the PhD students. This experience, along with funded conferences by BIGS DrugS and building a network with amazing peers, enriched my career journey immensely.”

Dr. Milena Detzel
Boston Consulting Group, Düsseldorf, Germany

"The participation in the BIGS Drugs program has enormously promoted personal contact and professional exchange within the research group and beyond   to other research groups. In addition, I benefitted greatly from the soft-skill courses offered on scientific writing and presentation, especially at the beginning of my doctoral studies. Due to BIGS DrugS, I was able to participate in a conference since BIGS DrugS supported my participation financially.“

Dr. Laura Schäkel
Project Scientist, In-process Quality Control, Bachem AG, Bubendorf (Switzerland)

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